Foreign investors can not only pay by currency, imported equipment and other materials, intangible assets, RenMinBi income, but also by: a) Cash b) Imported machinery and goods c) Intangible assets d) Profit in RMB e) Enterprise Development Fund, Reserved Fund f) Undistributed profit, dividend payable and relevant interest payable g) Principle and interest of registered foreign loans […]
a)Application Form b)Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate c)Original copy of equity transfer agreement d)Original copy of the approval issued by Ministry of Commerce e)Business License of the enterprise after the transfer of equity f)Approved Cooperation Contract and Articles of Association g)Most recent capital verification report before share transfer h)Original copy of the audit report i)Bank statement […]

a) Interest of direct debt, excluding interest on loan from foreign government b) Guarantee fee, c) Financial lease fee, d) Income from sales of unmovable asset, e) Income from transfer of equity.

a)Application Form b)Original Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate c)Investment contract and investment plan d)Credentials of foreign investor provided by bank e)Notarized power of attorney f)Other

a)Foreign Invested Enterprise Basic Information Registration Form b)Business license and capital verification report c)Approval Certificate issued by Ministry of Commerce d)Approved cooperation contract and articles of association e)Organization Code Certificate

a)Obtain approval or register with Ministry of Commerce b)Obtain Business License from Administration of Industry and Commerce c)Obtain Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate of FIE d)Apply to local foreign exchange authority for opening foreign exchange capital account e)Open foreign exchange capital account in bank or other financial institution

Domestic institutions here represent following entities and institutions located in the territory of China: Government bodies, Enterprises, Social organization, and Army, etc. Domestic institutions comprise foreign invested enterprises, but not financial institutions. All these entities and institutions should follow the rule regarding foreign exchange current account administration of State Administration Foreign Exchange (“SAFE”).
A tax payment / exemption certificate should be provided when the remitted amount exceeds USD 1,000 for an enterprise or USD 500 for an individual