There social welfares comprise pension, injury, unemployment, housing fund, medical insurance, maternity insurance, etc. Except for injury and maternity insurances borne only by employers, all other social welfares should contributed jointly by employers and employees. The portion borne by employees should be withheld by employers and paid to relevant social welfare government bodies on a […]

Chinese labour law clearly regulated the payment method for employee’s overtime work. Overtime should not exceed three hours per day and 36 hours per month. For the overtime, you need to pay according to following rate. ü 150% of regular wage for overtime in normal working day ü 200% of regular wage for work on public holiday, […]
Different companies may have different salary policy and the components or names of the components may differ. Generally speaking, salary shall include basic salary, bonus, overtime pay, allowance and subsidy or other pay for special assignments. Various social welfares borne by employees should be deducted for individual income tax calculation purpose.
Yes. Ministry of Labour requires all provinces, autonomous region and directly administered cities should set the minimum wage. All employers should meet these requirements. The minimum monthly wage is generally several hundred RMB. In Beijing, for example, the minimum wage for the year 2005 should be RMB 580 per month or RMB 3.47 per hour.
Firstly, you need to understand what your employees really want. If they prefer a higher salary, the option granted to him/her shall not have desired incentive effect. Secondly, you need to think about to what levels of employees you should grant how many quantities of options. Top management, for example, may prefer more options and […]

Generally speaking, yes. You need to evaluate the effectiveness of such a scheme in motivating and retaining your people before implementing it. Chinese people attach importance of the feeling being valued and a sense of belongings. Therefore options, to the extent they inspire loyalty and commitment and provide employees with a sense of ownership, are […]
There are a number of incentive measures that you can use to motivate your people. These may be increasing salaries, paying bonus, providing better social welfares, providing training, granting stock options, promoting, etc. There is no incentive scheme that can be universally applied to all you people. You need to analyze the needs and wants […]

The first way is to provide them more challenging work opportunity and therefore they shall enjoy the job richness and self-actualization by taking more responsibilities. You can also sign a training contract with the employees. The contract should include a service period clause stipulating that employees must remain and serve the company for a certain period. China’s […]
a) The most common training form in China can be in house training. The lecturers can be your company’s senior people or external professional trainers. In-house training can be English language, skill development in different sectors (technical, sales, marketing etc.) b) External trainings are largely provided to senior staff. These training can be seminars on certain topic, special program […]

When you are interviewing Chinese candidates, it is important to understand Chinese people first. Chinese people are usually very modest, and do not like to show off, or over-impress others. So, you may not just judge from what he/she said, but also see his/her academic performance, job achievements, personality, analytical analysis capabilities, etc.