Financial management is crucial to the survival and growth of your business. Mastering it can help illuminate the road ahead, mapping out pitfalls…

Lee & Lee Associates is the Partner of Swiss Embassy. Upon the request of the Embassy, Lee & Lee Associates held a reception and professional seminar with topic of how to start business and protect IPR in China for the business delegation of the Embassy at Lee & Lee Associates’ Beijing Office in the afternoon […]

Lee & Lee Associates was invited to do a seminar with topic “Setting Up an Office in China” to Launchpad (British entities who are interested in Chinese market) in Shanghai under the invitation of China Britain Business Council (CBBC) on May 26th.

Company Fraud crimes seem to be growing and a number of companies have been defrauded by such criminals.

As financial advisor, Lee & Lee Associates attended the opening ceremony of Pan Rui Software (Shanghai) Co., Ltd under invitation at Hilton Shanghai on 16 March 2016. At the ceremony, Ms. Liz Flew, Commercial Counsel of Paragon Software Group, appreciated the partners who helped with the successful company establishment of Pan Rui Software. Especially she […]

Ms. Marcia Lin, the Business Consulting Director of Lee & Lee Associates, joined International Women’s Day debate which is launched by The Accountant through introduction of Alliott Group. Please click the link below to read details. http://www.theaccountant-online.com/features/international-women-days-debate-marcia-lin-lee-lee-associates-alliot-group-4831691/ Established in 1874, The Accountant is one of the oldest and most prestigious trade magazines in the world. […]

As the pace of China’s economic reform speeds up, cross-border settlement has become more frequent among enterprises’ daily operations, especially for foreign related enterprises.

On invitation, Lee & Lee Associates attended China (Jilin)-Europe, America and Oceania Business Conference as a delegate of British Delegation led by Mr. Stephen Phillips, Chief Executive of China-Britain Business Council. During the visit, the delegation members were warmly welcome by important government officials, such as Director of Jilin Provincial Economic and Technological Cooperation Bureau […]
As a professional service firm in China, Lee & Lee Associates was invited to write the Section “Tax System & Unseen Costs” of the new China Business Handbook 2016 published by China-Britain Business Council (“CBBC”). The China Business Handbook 2016 is open to all to download free of charge from www.cbbc.org/handbook Mr. Stephen Phillips, the CBBC’s […]

After Partner Mr. Ken Lee delivered a successful and popular seminar about Internal Control for German Chamber in Beijing last time, he was invited by German Chamber Tianjin Office to hold a similar seminar for German business community in Tianjin.